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Elliptical Machine Review

Similar to a treadmill, an elliptical machine also gives a similar muscle exertion as that of a treadmill. What’s better about the elliptical machines though is that since your feet are on a pedal, there is little to no force exerted on your ankles, knees, and back thus minimizing the risk of injury to these areas.

Elliptical machines are good to have in the home, why? Aside from the workout that it gives your lower body, the handlebars that you grip also give your arms a workout as well! Talk about hitting two birds with one stone. Aside from that, since you are working both your lower and upper body simultaneously, the amount of calories that your body burns doubles in just the same amount of time. Also, it gets the heart rate up in about half the time it would take on a treadmill or exercise bike alone.

Buying an elliptical machine for the house is practical, you now have no excuse for not exercising due to traffic or bad weather because the equipment is right at home. You can exercise while watching movies or TV, exercise while talking on the phone, or just exercise if you don’t have anything better to do. The whole family can use it.

The benefits to your health are countless. Aside from your cardiovascular health, using the elliptical machine to work out will also tone your muscles to give your body a great shape.

Source: Elliptical Machines

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